Be Generous
Be Generous by giving to others—whether it’s your time, energy, money, advice, or empathy.
Have Grit
Courage and strength of character is necessary in both the big moves and the daily, small steps forward. Our team has the resolve to go all-in on both.
Always Growing
Never stop learning: “When you stop growing, you start dying.”
Gather & Celebrate
Another accolade we received this year which means a lot to me personally is the 2020 Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey’s (CIANJ) Companies that Care award. This award recognizes acts of generosity and kindness on the part of NJ companies trying to make the world a bit better. Our philanthropic efforts have been, and always will be, a cornerstone of our company culture. Through partnerships with organizations like Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, The All Stars Project, Cancer Hope Network, Morristown Community Soup Kitchen and Outreach Center, March Of Dimes, and Cookies For Kids’ Cancer, we encourage everyone to give what they can, whether it’s time, money, or knowledge. And I make sure I walk the walk, instead of just talking the talk, with hands-on company events that make a real difference in our community and inject meaning into our daily grind. We understand how lucky we are to be able to give, so we take advantage of that position as much as possible.

Our culture is a blend of old, time-tested values, and exciting ideas for the future—a synchronicity that keeps our company buzzing. It’s a daily balance of what we’ve done right for so long, with what we know we’re capable of doing for years to come. Even after a tough year like 2020, I’m incredibly thankful for the culture we’ve built, and excited about where the future will take us.
– Jeffrey Jr.