The attention of the tech community was once again focused on Holmdel, NJ at the site of the former Bell Labs facility, now known as Bell Works. Drone enthusiasts attended a DroneBots Works conference presented by the NJ Tech Council, aimed at clearing up new rules and regulations for the small aircraft. At the conference, the FAA discussed the rules when it comes to flying drones: flying below 400 feet, keeping drones visible, steering clear of aircraft and airports.
“There’s a lot of gray areas between local police forces and what is allowed,” said Berge Parigian, a drone operator. “I want to be as legitimate as possible. I wanted to hear firsthand from the FAA.”
But an FAA rep who addressed the crowd wasn’t just about limits. She also spoke about commerce, business and the future of drones. “Drones and robots have the potential to change the world,” said Karen DiMeo, of the FAA. “Increasingly, people are thinking about drones as smartphones with propellers.”
See video coverage of the event from NJ News 12 here:

Photos of the event are available through the NJ Tech Council here